Michele Grate
Michele was born and raised in Washington Heights, Manhattan where she currently works. She graduated with a Major in Spanish and Music from Hartwick College in Oneonta City, NY in 2001, where she also enjoyed many courses in Medical Technology. At age 18 she worked as a volunteer in Hong Kong China as part of Hope Youth Corps. She taught English in Japan from 2002-2005 through the Japanese Exchange Teaching Programme, and at the Shinanomachi English Loft from 2005-2007. Further she is currently part of SoHarmoniums all-women's choir in So-Ho, and a proud mother of two young musicians. On weekends, she works as Youth Minister at her church. She also works as Cantor and Director of a Children's Choir, which she jump-started, and assisted with accompaniment by Music Director and acclaimed pianist Eddie Beato. In the lab she handles the purchasing and organizing of lab equipment and supplies. She also prepares all of the necessary in-house reagents i.e. media, PBS, carb plates etc. Her wonderful people skills and attention to detail make her an asset to the lab.